Jacking and Heavy Hauling
We have accumulated extensive experience over the last 40 years in jacking and rigging oversized and overweight loads that is very applicable across many industry segments. We are able to provide in-house engineering and drawings for the jacking, cribbing, and/or land dolly transport… including permitting of loads such as fuel storage tanks, barges, ships, towers, frame/masonry houses as well as many other unusual types and sizes of structures.
Our high pressure unified jacking machine has a straight capacity of 135 tons on 9 ports with a virtually unlimited capacity in a zoned configuration. We stock several hundred oak crib, hardwood matting, an extensive H and Double I beam inventory, and have access to the inventory of many industry associates for additional hydraulic dollies if your load exceeds 300 tons.
Please contact us for a free assessment should these services be able to be used to your advantage.